Eudemonia Vs Hakuna matata

Milounee Purohit
2 min readFeb 22, 2022


Science tells us that the universe is incomprehensible and infinite, that we are nothing more than a speck of dust that will amount to nothing, no matter how hard we try. Everyone from the greatest inventors to freedom fighters, to people we say changed history, everything done will meet its end in a couple of billion years when the sun will inevitably swallow our home. But here is the catch, Humans are inherently narcissistic. We tend to make it all about us; our planet and its condition is proof of the same. How do we move forward knowing that we are not the lead character? Would it change the way we see things? Would it change the way we act? Would it change the way we treat others and ourselves?

I believe this thought train would lead us to two ways of living. Eudemonia is the idea that asks the question, “What is my most fulfilled state of being?”. It urges people to be the best version of themselves that they can imagine. They ask us to be morally correct, helping, happy, and content. It has an aspect of natural and social justice, morality, and virtue. The main question mentioned above says that if nothing you do really matter, then give it your best so that the little time you have on this earth is spent in internal bliss and spreading that bliss around.

The second way is Hakuna Matata- Don’t worry about it. If nothing you do matters, then do the worst crimes, do what you’re afraid to do, Positive or negative, do what you want to do, and sleep like a baby. Societal and moral rules don’t apply to you because society itself is temporary. It takes a nihilist stand and tells you to reject everything around you as it is all baseless.

Both philosophies take similar stands, but the thin line between them is morality. Morality becomes essential in the short run; it gives stability to the society. Morality ensures that our short meaningless lives do not crumple those around us. It ensures that your neighbor gets a sound sleep with you. When time is a scarce resource, why bother dedicating it to chaos?

